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Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in rabbit haemorrhagic disease.

Seven rabbits experimentally infected with rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus were examined haematologically and histologically. Haematologically, activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time were markedly prolonged in the terminal phase of the disease, just prior to death (all the animals died between 27 and 40 hr after inoculation with rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus). There wa...

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Thrombocytopenia and thrombosis in disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is the physiologic result of pathologic overstimulation of the coagulation system. Despite multiple triggers, a myriad of laboratory abnormalities, and a clinical presentation ranging from gross hemostatic failure to life-threatening thrombosis, or even both simultaneously, a simplified clinical approach augmented by a few readily available tests all...

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[Hypereosinophilic syndrome complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism].

症 例 患 者:57歳,男 性.主 訴:下 痢.既 往歴:高 血圧.常 用薬 ・ア レルギー性疾患 ・海外渡航歴 ・ 生食経験 ・ペ ッ ト飼育歴等 な し.家 族歴:特 記 事項 な し.現病歴:2001年11月 の健診では血小 板減少等の異常は認めなか った.2002年6月 下 旬 より水様下痢 があ り,近 医 を受診 した ところ 血小板減少 を指摘 され7月6日 当科 に紹介.身 体所見:意 識は清 明,貧 血 ・黄疸 な く,前 胸部 に皮下点状出血を認 めた.胸 ・腹部 に特記すべ き理学所見 なし.検 査所見:尿 蛋白,尿 潜血が 陽性であった.便 寄生虫卵陰性.末 梢血で は好 酸球が絶対数で1ρ82/μLと 増多 してお り,血 小 板 数2.2万,PT, APTT延 長, FDP増 加 を認め, ス コア7点 とDICの 状態であった.血 液化学では LDH 2...

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Diagnosis and treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) according to four DIC guidelines

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is categorized into bleeding, organ failure, massive bleeding, and non-symptomatic types according to the sum of vectors for hypercoagulation and hyperfibrinolysis. The British Committee for Standards in Haematology, Japanese Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, and the Italian Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis published separate guidelines for...

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عنوان ژورنال: Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi

سال: 1981

ISSN: 0021-5384,1883-2083

DOI: 10.2169/naika.70.16